
4 Easy Steps to Picking the Best Watermelon the Kids Will Love!


In honor of today being the first day of Summer and watermelon being my favorite summer fruit I figured I would share this post…

Watermelon is an extremely beneficial fruit for your kids to snack on. In the summer months making sure your kids stay hydrated is so important. Watermelon is a tasty way to do so. Not only is it made up of 92% water but watermelon also contains lots of nutrients such as Vitamin A, B6, C, lots of antioxidants and much more. However, getting your kids to eat fruit can sometimes be a challenge. It doesn’t have to be. Ensuring the fruit is ripe is half the battle. Here are 4 easy steps to picking the best watermelon your kids are sure to love!

  1. It should feel heavy and solid for its size
  2. Look for a large creamy/yellow spot. This tells you that it was sitting on the ground for a long time and is ripe
  3. Pick a symmetrical shape watermelon. Round or long, as long as it’s symmetrical.
  4. Tap on it. Put one hand on top and one hand on bottom. If you Slap the top of it and can feel the vibration on your other hand, it’s ripe!