Survival Advice

5 Simple Ways to Organize Your Playroom

Organize playroom

Organizing and keeping the playroom organized can honestly be a daily struggle. Read these 5 simple steps on how to organize your kid’s playroom.

Boy Oh Boy can the playroom get so out of control so quickly. Just when I thought I had the room finally cleaned up, I turn around and all the toys are back on the floor. Our set up wasn’t working, so I had to take control. It used to be a daily battle trying to keep the play room organized but after I did these 5 organizing tips, it helped us cut the clutter and clean up more easily.

  1. Keep like toys together in containers. Label the containers according to their use (For example: Music box, Cars, Lego). The best part about this is not only the organization but it helps them focus on one activity at a time. I used this to teach my son that before we take out the next set of toys,  we must clean up the ones we have out and put them back in their correct container.
  2. Constantly purge old toys. Whether donating them or throwing them into storage, it’s important to stay on top of this to avoid excess clutter. It’s crazy how quickly they outgrow their toys and how the new toys accumulate. Our rule to avoid clutter is one in, one out. This way we don’t end up with an abundance of toys that don’t ever get used.
  3. All toys have a designated area for cleanup. The puzzles go in their cubby, the play tools go back on the work bench, the books stack on the book shelf, etc. This helps clean up go quickly and the next time we play, we know where everything is. I used to have to do this on my own but now my son is getting the hang of where things go and can now put things away on his own.
  4. Rotate toys so they feel “new”. It’s funny how kids forget what they had and get so excited about seeing a “new” toy. I’ve found that when there is less stuff in the playroom, he stays entertained more. He doesn’t need a lot of toys, just toys that capture his attention. So why keep all of them in one place? When I feel the playroom is getting too crowded, I take some toys out of sight and put them in a box in our garage. When he starts getting bored with his current toys, I rotate them.
  5. Have a toy box and a book shelf. Ever since my son was little I’ve always mixed books in with his play time. He learned that when he has had enough playing and needs a quick break he can pull out a book and relax. I think this is a great thing to implement with kids so they start to grow a love for books. I also keep pillows, a tent and blankets in the playroom to allow for a cozy reading time.