Activities, Travel

Greenburgh Nature Center in Scarsdale, NY

Greenburgh Nature Center

The Greenburgh Nature Center is located in Scarsdale, New York on over 30 acres of land with beautiful trails, ponds, animals and even events for kids. There is also a playground, rocks for climbing and picnic tables. We spent a couple of hours there recently and Daniel enjoyed every minute of it. This place is a hidden escape right in our own backyard. If you live in Westchester County, NY or are visiting soon, this is certainly a must see. You can tour the outdoor animals, hike on the trails and have a picnic lunch all for no charge.

If you choose to visit the Animal museum in the Manor Home, you will have to pay a small fee but we thought it was totally worth it. The museum is small and definitely baby friendly. There are low benches the kids can stand on to look into the glass exhibits. It was definitely interactive and kept everyone’s attention.   Hope you enjoy it too!
