Survival Advice

10 Techniques to Soothe a Crying Baby

Soothing a crying baby!

The first time you hear your newborn cry it’s the most beautiful experience. You just gave life to the most beautiful baby and life is great. Fast forward a couple weeks and it’s probably not so heart warming any longer. You are exhausted, they can’t tell you what they want and you feel helpless. Whether you have a colicky baby or just a fussy one, you will try everything to soothe a crying baby.

What is one to do when all your soothing techniques have been used and your little one is still fussy!?!

Although there is no ‘one size fits all’ recipe, having lots of different techniques in your back pocket surely helps. You run through the checklist…They’ve been fed, changed and have slept but they are still screaming. We have all been there! No matter how amazing our little one is, they all have their moments of fussiness. After all, the first three months of a baby’s life, known as the fourth trimester, is always the toughest as your little one is still adapting to the outside world.

This is my second time around and I’m currently going through it with you, Mama. Hang in there! We will get through it! I figured I’d share some tested ideas that work for me in hopes you can add them to your bag of tricks. Being a Mom of two under two means I must be creative with soothing and do it quickly, so my newborn doesn’t wake my toddler. There is nothing worse than having two crying babies at the same time.

As much as I would love to sit and just snuggle her all day I just don’t have the time. Let’s be honest that is the simplest way to just keep them happy all day but it’s impossible.

Try these 10 techniques to help your baby adapt to the world better…

Bounce on an Exercise Ball – This ball is life. Honestly, a game changer. If you don’t have an exercise ball you need one A-S-A-P. No matter what magnitude of fussy my little one is, this ball calms her down. I hold her in my arms while I sit and gently bounce on the ball and she immediately stops crying. Best part is you don’t have to walk around the entire house trying to soothe. I’ve managed to calm her on the ball while eating dinner, watching my son play or simply while resting my feet. I bought mine on Amazon for about $10 and it was the best item I ever purchased.

Shushing – The shushing sound is calming for newborns because it reminds them of when they were in the womb. You can simply make a “shush” sound in your baby’s ear or you can be lazy like me and buy the Portable Baby Sleep Soother. Either one works like a charm.

Swaddle – Putting your little one in a swaddle reminds them of the womb where they were nice and secure in your belly. The startle reflex (when she feels like she is falling) often wakes babies out of their sleep so swaddling them helps get them to sleep and allows them to sleep longer. Swaddle up by Love To Dream is my go to.

Give them a Pacifier – Although pacifiers have a bad rep, using one in moderation is ok in my book. Let’s be honest they can be a huge life saver especially while you’re driving. Sometimes all your baby needs is that suckling motion to help calm them down and put them to sleep. Using this pacifier works best for me because the small bean bag stuffed animal it’s attached to helps it stay in place.

Bath Time – My daughter is most fussy at night right before bedtime. Bathing her with warm water soothes her right up. I let the water run softly on her and play lullabies in the background. There is just something so soothing about a warm bath even into adulthood. I bought this tub because it has a newborn sling so she feels cozy in it and it grows with her.

Tummy Time – When my little one is fussy and it’s usually caused by gas. I can always count on tummy time to help her out. I find that whatever stubborn gas that is making her fussy will work itself out best when she is on her tummy. Think about it, wouldn’t you rather sleep on your tummy when it hurts too?

Car Seat – This worked exceptionally well for my son. The moment he went into the car seat (we use the UppaBaby Mesa) he would stop crying. He especially loved the movement in the car but if we weren’t going anywhere the ‘car seat swing’ is always a great option or I bounce the car seat gently on the ball.

Baby Wearing – The warmth of your body and the sound of your heart beat as they rest against your chest will immediately soothe. Although you are still wearing the baby it allows you to be hands free.

Use a Swing – Babies love the rocking motion of a swing and most have a vibration setting too which helps with colic. Find the settings that works best for your baby and it will be a life saver. Whether I am making dinner or need to shower I can put my baby in her swing to soothe her and help her relax.

Stop Stimulation – Although some babies may like loud sounds and lights, it may be too much for others. When all other techniques did not work you may just need to go into a dark room with no tv or phone light and help them relax. I’m all about setting the tone and creating the perfect ambiance to help my little one relax. Especially with a toddler in the house there is very little quiet so if my newborn is fussy I take her into a quiet room and help her settle down.

Although these are the soothing techniques that work for my little ones, every baby is different.  One thing is for sure, we will try anything to calm our little one and maintain our sanity when they have been non-stop crying.

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