Survival Advice

5 Easy Ways to Prepare Your Toddler for a New Baby

Although it may seem impossible to prepare your toddler for a new baby there are certain steps you can take to slowly introduce what will be in store for them. My toddler was only 22 months old when he got his promotion to Big Brother with his baby sister who is now 7 weeks old. I didn’t know how much of what I was introducing him to he was actually understanding, but to my surprise he took it extremely well. Every child is different but trying to prepare your toddler for a new baby does not have to be difficult.

Here are some simple steps you can take before the baby arrives to prepare your toddler for a new baby:

  1. Get a Doll – As soon as I found out I was pregnant we introduced our toddler to “his baby”, the doll. This was a new object that he had to start being gentle with and playing nice with. The doll said “Mama” and “Dada” so he could relate to it. It made the doll feel real to him. He cared for this doll to the point where he would put a blanket on it and ‘shared’ his food with it. This is the easiest way to prepare your toddler for a new baby.
  2. Slowly Start Separating Yourself – Allow your toddler alone time while playing. You are not going to always be able to play when they want so having them understand this NOW is better. It will help alleviate any resentment towards the baby for taking mommy away.
  3. Promote Toddler Independence – Things you used to do for your toddler, have them start learning how to do on their own. Simple things like feeding themselves and cleaning up their toys will be very helpful when you have two to take care of. Need more ideas? Read my article on Promoting Toddler Independence for more details on this.
  4. Reading Books on Becoming a Big Brother/Sister – Reading is always a great option to help teach a toddler. Seeing visuals and hearing key words will help familiarize them with the situation.
  5. Scheduling – Now more than ever routines are so important for your toddler. Having a schedule will help alleviate tantrums and help your toddler feel in control by knowing what’s happening next. You can find sample schedules here.

Side tip:

It’s important to always have a safe place to put your toddler, for whatever the reason. Whether you need to warm a bottle or tend to your newborn, this is a must. My safe space is our Pack n Play. I set this up in our living room for two reasons. One, our living room is our common place where we are always hanging out so having something close by is key. I can easily put my toddler in there if I need to leave the room for a moment. Two, my pack n play also has a changing table attached for the newborn. Having a changing table with diapers and wipes nearby helps you keep an eye on your toddler during the multiple diaper changes you will need to do for your newborn.